Phew! Sorry it took me ALL day to write this post.. I know many of you were anxiously waiting, but you will understand after you hear the day we had!
So, our appointment was not scheduled until 12:45.. but Will has really been wanting to trade his truck in and get something with better gas mileage (since he drives to Nashville everyday and 17mpg just wasn't cutting it) and that was in better shape than his truck (it has 158k miles on it and is literally falling apart.. we have invested $600 in it this month, not including the ridiculous gas money). So we figured since he had today off we would go to the dealership and at least see the trade-in value of his truck, plus he has been researching for about 4 weeks and found a crazy deal that the guy was even mad about because it was wayyy too low. blah blah blah SOO we stopped at chevrolet in Rivergate to scope out this equinox that Will really liked, and when he was getting ready to pull out onto Gallatin Road. Well this girl was letting us out, but apparently Will "took too long" to pull out, because when he did she GUNNED it and hit our front end!!!!!! So then we pull over and get out and exchange information.. turns out her and Will went to school together and she was really cool, so we all sat in the Wal-mart parking lot and chatted for an hour until the cop showed up to file a report. It literally just left one tiny scratch on the truck and a little dent in her bumper. So then she was like "it was good running into you Will!" and I said "..literally" and then we left. I can't make this up.
At this point it is too late to go to the dealership but we are 2 hours early for our appointment, so we drive to Nashville and shop around Kroger for a little while, then sat in the car for another hour before it was finally time for the appointment. We get in there and the ultrasound tech (Patty) calls our name and she is seriously about to start skipping because she is so excited. She said I am only 6w1d today, which is not as far along as I thought I was, but at least I know for sure now. We start the ultrasound and right away she says "well I for sure see 2 gestational sacs" but then as she was manipulating the wand it was sooooooo painful. Like it was awful. She was looking and said "it's really hard to see because your uterus is tilted straight back and you have some cysts on your ovaries thats making them really swollen, from your egg retrieval" Cue freak out mode. So I'm all "Is that bad?!" "What does that mean?!" "Are they ok?!" scariest thing ever. So She quickly said it wasn't bad and didn't mean anything except that she couldn't get a good picture or measurements or anything unless my uterus started cooperating (you had ONE job uterus). After about 4 attempts to "lift" my uterus and me feeling like it was getting ripped out of my body, she goes "am I hurting you, hon?" Umm yeah, your only lifting a part of my body up out of its cavity. But I only said "yes" and she said she was going to get the doctor. Turns out my doctor is out of town, so a doctor I had never seen came in and was able to find the two gestational sacs, two yoke sacs, two fetal poles, and two heartbeats. One was a good heartbeat and one was more of a flicker, but we came in so early they really didn't expect to see any heart activity at all, so it was good. So then we had to go in the conference room and wait for another hour for the doctor to come talk to us more. She said both sacs are a good size, which means both are likely to stay growing. She did talk to us about possible spontaneous reduction, in which one baby just stops growing, but she said that only happens about 10% of the time and they really only worry about it if one of the sacs is way smaller than the other, and ours are relatively the same size. She said not to really tell a lot of people about twins yet though, just in case... (Not a whole lot of people read this.... right?!...) Then she said to keep taking my regular meds, I have to take the progesterone shot for a little while longer, and I have a second ultrasound scheduled for August 13th at 8:45am. I asked her about the cysts and gigantic ovaries and asked her if they would affect the fetal development and she assured me it wouldn't, and that since they are only a product of the egg retrieval that they will get smaller and eventually go away. She said they should be cyst free and back to normal no later than 12 weeks gestation. So that made me feel better, knowing that my ovaries weren't taking over and squishing the pea-sized humans. We got a little picture to take home and we were on our way. (After we paid the $50 copay.. totally didn't realize we weren't on the "flat rate fee" that we already paid [$14,500 to be exact] thing once you actually got pregnant)
After we left there, we decided will REALLY needed a new car. A blue pickup truck that didnt even have 4 full doors and no room for a wheelchair just wasn't going to cut it now. So we drove all the way to cool springs to look at this crazy deal of a car that he found, and long story (3 hours later) short we traded his blue pick up truck for a 2010 silver chevy equinox (such a nice daddy car!) I got to drive it home and it is amazing!! What's more amazing is a $100/week gas budget as opposed to a $300 budget and not spending an extra $100+/week on maintenance crap!!
So after 11 chaos filled hours (not really, probably 6 of those hours were just spent sitting around waiting for something) we are finally home, and I am exhausted!! I didn't have my usual nap today (sooo tired these days) so I am tired and cranky! I just keep thinking to myself.. how am I going to do this every single day starting next week when school starts again!! GES friends, if you hear screaming and scary sounds coming from my room, please make sure I'm not asleep at my desk)
Here is a picture of our little babies at 6 weeks! Praying all goes well for both of them as the doctor expects they should. Now, I'm going to bed!! Phew!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Beta #3
Today was my third and final beta test. I got there at 10:30, they drew my blood, and then I left! Usually they call between 12-2.. but of course today at 3:30 I still had not received a call! I was going nuts. You can't just tell a person who has been trying to get pregnant for 3 years that they are pregnant and then leave them hanging in the balance waiting to see if the pregnancy is progressing properly or not! So I was driving myself crazy letting my mind run wild until I finally called them to let them know I was still waiting!
So finally my nurse called me at 3:45. She said my beta was so high they actually had to dilute it a little bit (?!) but the number was 2,964. She said everything is looking great and to schedule my ultrasound for July 30th. Then she told me that because we were scheduling it a little early that we may not be able to see the heartbeat yet and my doctor may have me come in the following week anyway (which is the first week of school, defeating the whole purpose of going in early) but we would at least be able to see how many embryos implanted and if the sacs were growing appropriately. Then we will schedule another ultrasound 2 weeks after this one. SO then I call to schedule my ultrasound and Dr. Hill is not in the office that entire week?!! So I explained the date situation once again to another person and she talked my nurse into letting me keep the July 30th date and just let me consult with a different IVF doctor. sheesh! Today has been quite a headache, but the good news is our betas look fabulous and we have our ultrasound July 30th at 12:45 to see our sweet baby/babies for the first time!
I forgot to post this last entry, but after my second beta the phlebotomist handed me this nifty little brochure with all of the do's and dont's of being pregnant. Is it weird that it felt exactly like getting a diploma?! So exciting!!
So finally my nurse called me at 3:45. She said my beta was so high they actually had to dilute it a little bit (?!) but the number was 2,964. She said everything is looking great and to schedule my ultrasound for July 30th. Then she told me that because we were scheduling it a little early that we may not be able to see the heartbeat yet and my doctor may have me come in the following week anyway (which is the first week of school, defeating the whole purpose of going in early) but we would at least be able to see how many embryos implanted and if the sacs were growing appropriately. Then we will schedule another ultrasound 2 weeks after this one. SO then I call to schedule my ultrasound and Dr. Hill is not in the office that entire week?!! So I explained the date situation once again to another person and she talked my nurse into letting me keep the July 30th date and just let me consult with a different IVF doctor. sheesh! Today has been quite a headache, but the good news is our betas look fabulous and we have our ultrasound July 30th at 12:45 to see our sweet baby/babies for the first time!
I forgot to post this last entry, but after my second beta the phlebotomist handed me this nifty little brochure with all of the do's and dont's of being pregnant. Is it weird that it felt exactly like getting a diploma?! So exciting!!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Beta #2
Hey everyone! I went in for my second beta today. She said she wanted my first number (250) to double so I was hoping for anything over 500. I walked in to a completely full waiting room and this new receptionist asked me what I was there for today. I quietly said "second pregnancy test" and turned around and saw about 20 pairs of eyes shooting daggers at me!! I was on that side of the road such a very short time ago.. I blogged about it less than 2 months ago! So I sheepishly walked to my seat and muttered an "I know.. sorry.." and silently cussed the receptionist for THAT little stunt!!
So then they called my name and said "hey!! you're back!!" and we all did a little happy dance before they drew my blood :-) Then I talked to my nurse because if Monday's beta comes back high, we will schedule an ultrasound 2 weeks after. Well, the problem with that is that it is the very first week of school.. and my GES friends know the craziness that will surround that week with a new principal, new assistant principal, a bunch of new staff, and new little firsties who have no idea what bus they ride, what their car rider number is, or where they live. So I told her getting to Nashville anytime during that week will take an act of congress, and I asked her if we could possibly do it on a Saturday or figure something out because I would hate to have to wait for an entire extra week for an ultrasound! And because they love me (or because I am a frequent flyer who has surely paid for at least 2 staff members cars) she said I could come in a little earlier than they like, on July 30th. So I was excited about that!
My HCG level today was 681.. so it definitely doubled! I will go back on Monday for one more beta test and then schedule our ultrasound for July 30th!
Side note:: today is my mom's birthday! I sent her a text and said "happy birthday mom/meme!" she cried. best present ever!!
So then they called my name and said "hey!! you're back!!" and we all did a little happy dance before they drew my blood :-) Then I talked to my nurse because if Monday's beta comes back high, we will schedule an ultrasound 2 weeks after. Well, the problem with that is that it is the very first week of school.. and my GES friends know the craziness that will surround that week with a new principal, new assistant principal, a bunch of new staff, and new little firsties who have no idea what bus they ride, what their car rider number is, or where they live. So I told her getting to Nashville anytime during that week will take an act of congress, and I asked her if we could possibly do it on a Saturday or figure something out because I would hate to have to wait for an entire extra week for an ultrasound! And because they love me (or because I am a frequent flyer who has surely paid for at least 2 staff members cars) she said I could come in a little earlier than they like, on July 30th. So I was excited about that!
My HCG level today was 681.. so it definitely doubled! I will go back on Monday for one more beta test and then schedule our ultrasound for July 30th!
Side note:: today is my mom's birthday! I sent her a text and said "happy birthday mom/meme!" she cried. best present ever!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Baby Powell!!
I have some great news!!!
I went in for the pregnancy bloodwork this morning at 8:15. Last time I had this awful gut feeling and I had bad dreams, etc. This time I didn't really feel anything. I was just cruising with the windows down listening to old school music on pandora and not thinking about a thing. When I got to the fertility clinic, the front desk people and phlebotomist kept asking if "today was the day", and I told them it was. So we did the bloodwork and I left! I got home at about 9 and waited VERY impatiently for the call (as did all of you!!) I checked my voicemail 7 times before I finally heard "you have one new message".. so my heart starts POUNDING out of my chest and a clutch the phone with all my might and listen for the news...
"Hi this message is for Tifani Powell. hi Tifani this is Andi calling with your results and I do have good news! Your first level came back positive. It was a 250 which is great!! its a good, high number. [[insert run down of meds I still need to take]] We do want you to get another level so we will have you come back Friday to make sure it doubles and then we will get a third level on Monday. We did transfer back two embryos but we will not know how many implanted until we do the ultrasound, but we do know you have a good high first number. So congratulations, you are pregnant!"
WHAT?!! Is it weird that we spent about $14,000 on this treatment and went through so much crap and it never really crossed my mind that it would result in a pregnancy? I am in so much shock! We are definitely not out of the woods yet as it is still so early.. but everything looks great so far. This probably won't even feel real until I am giving birth!
So from this point on I am in uncharted waters. I have never made it this far before, so I am not really sure what to expect next. I want to thank everyone so much for sticking with me, thinking of me, helping us raise money, and most of all praying for us during the most difficult time in our lives. I can't believe I am saying this.. but baby Powell will be here in March and we could not be more excited!!!!
I went in for the pregnancy bloodwork this morning at 8:15. Last time I had this awful gut feeling and I had bad dreams, etc. This time I didn't really feel anything. I was just cruising with the windows down listening to old school music on pandora and not thinking about a thing. When I got to the fertility clinic, the front desk people and phlebotomist kept asking if "today was the day", and I told them it was. So we did the bloodwork and I left! I got home at about 9 and waited VERY impatiently for the call (as did all of you!!) I checked my voicemail 7 times before I finally heard "you have one new message".. so my heart starts POUNDING out of my chest and a clutch the phone with all my might and listen for the news...
"Hi this message is for Tifani Powell. hi Tifani this is Andi calling with your results and I do have good news! Your first level came back positive. It was a 250 which is great!! its a good, high number. [[insert run down of meds I still need to take]] We do want you to get another level so we will have you come back Friday to make sure it doubles and then we will get a third level on Monday. We did transfer back two embryos but we will not know how many implanted until we do the ultrasound, but we do know you have a good high first number. So congratulations, you are pregnant!"
WHAT?!! Is it weird that we spent about $14,000 on this treatment and went through so much crap and it never really crossed my mind that it would result in a pregnancy? I am in so much shock! We are definitely not out of the woods yet as it is still so early.. but everything looks great so far. This probably won't even feel real until I am giving birth!
So from this point on I am in uncharted waters. I have never made it this far before, so I am not really sure what to expect next. I want to thank everyone so much for sticking with me, thinking of me, helping us raise money, and most of all praying for us during the most difficult time in our lives. I can't believe I am saying this.. but baby Powell will be here in March and we could not be more excited!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Transfer Day
Hey everyone! Yesterday was our embryo transfer. I can not even begin to tell you how nervous I was because this was the point last time that everything started to go wrong. This time, like last time, we had many eggs fertilize. This time, like last time, several were growing and we were able to do a 5 day transfer. Then you don't hear anything else from the IVF lab until you go in for the transfer. Last time, we thought everything was still going great... then the embryologist came in and slapped me in the face with some grade C embryos, then said we had nothing to freeze, then it all spiraled down into a big, fat negative. So I was not very excited about this appointment. We got there early because there was no traffic on a Sunday, and we had to wait in the parking lot for a nurse to let us in. It was pretty cool because we got to go in the private "doctor" elevator and went through the office part of the fertility center, where the doctors meet, their offices, the huge file room! It felt like just one more thing that makes Will and I not just the average everyday patient at NFC.
When we finally got to the room, I had to get on my gown, take my valium, and wait for the embryologist to come and tell me the news. I was so scared.. my heart was hammering in my chest, I was sweating, I was having flashbacks in my head [[[grade C, none to freeze, no good news, I'm so sorry]]] But then the she finally came in and showed us the paper with the picture and grade of our little embies. One perfect little grade A (!!!!) and one grade B. She also said we have one embryo to freeze. I felt like a thousand pound weight was lifted off of my chest!! I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief and the embryologist looked at me with these empathetic eyes and said "grade A is the best you can get, you really did great this time, try to breathe!" I felt so much better after she left. Just knowing I have one perfect little embryo being transferred, and one grade B which are what most people get and become pregnant, plus having one backup in case something doesn't work. So then Will and I joked about one smart/one athletic twin, the A one being the girl because of course girls are smarter, etc. until my valium kicked in and we were ready to go!
Dr. Hill came in and said I did amazing this cycle. He even said we were taking a bit of a risk here implanting these 2 near perfect embryos, but he also said he understands everything I have been through, so that makes him ok with it. We were wheeled into the transfer room for what I must say is always the most painful appointment. I hate the speculum, I hate the stuff to "clean" your cervix with what feels like a Q-tip without the cotton, I hate the cold stuff they put on your tummy for the ultrasound, I hate the way the catheter has to snake in and out and hit all different parts of your lady areas before it gets to your uterus, and I hate hanging basically upside down for an entire hour! It hurts so bad, but at least the valium takes the edge off a little bit. I found the little screw on the corner of the light in the ceiling very interesting for a while...
When we finished, Dr. Hill showed us the little embryos inside my uterus and told me to hang out in bed for a few days. We have a progesterone level bloodwork appointment scheduled for July 10th and a pregnancy test scheduled for July 16th. Everyone thinks I should test early, and I definitely could. But I seriously think I have some form of PTSD of taking home pregnancy tests. I have taken so many, only to see that one evil pink line every single time that threw me into hysterics and made me non functional for a good 3 or 4 days. I look straight ahead when I walk by them in the grocery store, and if I even start thinking about opening one up, waiting for the results as it lay on the bathroom sink, I start sweating and get really hot and itchy and almost break out in hives!! They have never brought anything to me but devastation. So, I am pretty confident that I will just wait for the blood test. I mean, I have a perfect embryo inside me. Perfect. How could at least one not take? As I said before.. I am not going to think of what could go wrong. I am ONLY thinking of what could go right. Please pray, pray, pray.. Hopefully I will have good news to share soon!
Here is a picture of our little embryos we transferred yesterday. Praying they latch on and grow for the next nine months! Oh, and speaking of progesterone, I am not taking about the little progesterone pills most people get to take. No, I take progesterone each night intramuscularly. Enjoy, and thank your lucky stars for progesterone pills!!
When we finally got to the room, I had to get on my gown, take my valium, and wait for the embryologist to come and tell me the news. I was so scared.. my heart was hammering in my chest, I was sweating, I was having flashbacks in my head [[[grade C, none to freeze, no good news, I'm so sorry]]] But then the she finally came in and showed us the paper with the picture and grade of our little embies. One perfect little grade A (!!!!) and one grade B. She also said we have one embryo to freeze. I felt like a thousand pound weight was lifted off of my chest!! I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief and the embryologist looked at me with these empathetic eyes and said "grade A is the best you can get, you really did great this time, try to breathe!" I felt so much better after she left. Just knowing I have one perfect little embryo being transferred, and one grade B which are what most people get and become pregnant, plus having one backup in case something doesn't work. So then Will and I joked about one smart/one athletic twin, the A one being the girl because of course girls are smarter, etc. until my valium kicked in and we were ready to go!
Dr. Hill came in and said I did amazing this cycle. He even said we were taking a bit of a risk here implanting these 2 near perfect embryos, but he also said he understands everything I have been through, so that makes him ok with it. We were wheeled into the transfer room for what I must say is always the most painful appointment. I hate the speculum, I hate the stuff to "clean" your cervix with what feels like a Q-tip without the cotton, I hate the cold stuff they put on your tummy for the ultrasound, I hate the way the catheter has to snake in and out and hit all different parts of your lady areas before it gets to your uterus, and I hate hanging basically upside down for an entire hour! It hurts so bad, but at least the valium takes the edge off a little bit. I found the little screw on the corner of the light in the ceiling very interesting for a while...
When we finished, Dr. Hill showed us the little embryos inside my uterus and told me to hang out in bed for a few days. We have a progesterone level bloodwork appointment scheduled for July 10th and a pregnancy test scheduled for July 16th. Everyone thinks I should test early, and I definitely could. But I seriously think I have some form of PTSD of taking home pregnancy tests. I have taken so many, only to see that one evil pink line every single time that threw me into hysterics and made me non functional for a good 3 or 4 days. I look straight ahead when I walk by them in the grocery store, and if I even start thinking about opening one up, waiting for the results as it lay on the bathroom sink, I start sweating and get really hot and itchy and almost break out in hives!! They have never brought anything to me but devastation. So, I am pretty confident that I will just wait for the blood test. I mean, I have a perfect embryo inside me. Perfect. How could at least one not take? As I said before.. I am not going to think of what could go wrong. I am ONLY thinking of what could go right. Please pray, pray, pray.. Hopefully I will have good news to share soon!
Here is a picture of our little embryos we transferred yesterday. Praying they latch on and grow for the next nine months! Oh, and speaking of progesterone, I am not taking about the little progesterone pills most people get to take. No, I take progesterone each night intramuscularly. Enjoy, and thank your lucky stars for progesterone pills!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Egg Retrieval
So yesterday morning was my egg retrieval! I can not even tell you how ready I was to have these eggs taken out of me.. my ovaries felt like they were going to burst, I could not even stand up straight! Dr. Hill came in and said how excited he was to be doing my retrieval, and then they gave me some "happy meds". I actually remember being wheeled into the retrieval room, switching beds, and then having 3 nurses all over me (one putting oxygen in my nose, one getting my legs in stirrups, one pushing the meds in my IV) and then I was out! I woke up back in the room with Will. I was in sooo much pain. It was a mixture between really awful period cramps, and that kind of cramping you get if you hold your pee for a really long time. It was awful! The nurse gave me a lorotab and some dilaudid to help with the pain, which made me super nauseous and dizzy. It was a mess!!
I still feel pretty awful today. I am having terrible cramps, and the pain meds just make me puke, so I am mostly just laying around and trying to sleep off the pain! The IVF lab called earlier this morning. They got 14 eggs at retrieval, performed ICSI (insert sperm into the egg) on 10, and 9 fertilized! I feel like 9/10 is a very good success rate. She is going to call again tomorrow to let me know how they are progressing. As of right now, our transfer is scheduled for Sunday at 9am. Hopefully I am feeling better by then! But for now, back to the couch I go. Here is a picture of me pre-egg retrieval!
I still feel pretty awful today. I am having terrible cramps, and the pain meds just make me puke, so I am mostly just laying around and trying to sleep off the pain! The IVF lab called earlier this morning. They got 14 eggs at retrieval, performed ICSI (insert sperm into the egg) on 10, and 9 fertilized! I feel like 9/10 is a very good success rate. She is going to call again tomorrow to let me know how they are progressing. As of right now, our transfer is scheduled for Sunday at 9am. Hopefully I am feeling better by then! But for now, back to the couch I go. Here is a picture of me pre-egg retrieval!
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