Well, today has been a very crazy day. What we thought would be a fun anatomy scan to see our girls' organs and get to watch them for an hour turned into a trip to labor and delivery to monitor contractions, new meds, and strict bedrest. Here's how it all happened..
We got to the perinatal appointment and I was already annoyed because the nurse got ready to start the scan and had recorded that it was 1 fetus, so I told her it was 2 and she said (rudely) "oh.. no one told us that.. ::ugh:: .. hold on.." and walked out of the room. We started the scan and found that they were definitely both girls! No question about it. Then she says "have you been feeling any pressure?" So I say yes, when I stand up, but it just feels like I have to pee? Then I pee and it's fine. I figured that was normal for the second trimester with twins.. apparently not. So then she did a transvag ultrasound and found that my cervix was thinning and it was shorter than they like to see. She said she was concerned about preterm labor and would send me to my doctor after she finished the anatomy scan. The rest of the scan was pretty much a blur because of what she said.. but the girls are doing great.. both have 4 chamber hearts, perfect kidneys, brains look great.. they are perfect! So I am still freaking out at this point, and then she says "Dr. Montgomery isn't here right now but he said to go on to labor and delivery (?!?!!?!!!???!?!?!) for monitoring to see if you are having contractions and are in preterm labor. Then she has the nerve to say "but don't freak out!"
Then, Will and I go through patient registration and get admitted into labor and delivery.. while my heart is beating out of my chest and I can't stop crying and I am scared to death something is going to go wrong with my babies. We get into a room and she puts the monitor on me to monitor contractions. I told Will I did not expect to see this room for another 5 months. Dr. Montgomery came in and said this is relatively normal for twin pregnancies, especially with me being so little. He said they would like my cervix to be a 2-3 and mine was a 1.6, so it's not terribly short, but the constant moving around and being on my feet every day is causing gravity to make my cervix thin out. The good news is I was not having contractions and my cervix was still closed and firm, so they felt comfortable sending me home, but they gave me progesterone and imodicon to help with the thinning and put me on strict bedrest until further notice. The nurse said I am only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. Dr. Montgomery is going to call with another appointment time in about a week or so to see if the situation has improved and I can be taken off bedrest or if I have to stay put. I am hoping to be taken off soon, but from everything I have heard and researched, that doesn't look promising.
When I got home, I researched short/thinning cervix in twins and learned that it is very normal. I was expecting horror stories about miscarriages or still births, but the common consensus was that they were put on bed rest and closely monitored until they made it to at least 29 weeks, then they delivered their healthy babies. So I am not as scared anymore.. I just have to make sure I follow doctor's orders and stay in bed and stop letting gravity work against me.
I'm sure the girls will be perfectly fine, but it won't hurt to pray my cervix lengthens/thickens and gives them a nice, long time to cook in there!

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!
Wow! What an eventful 3 days Will and I have had!
On Thursday, we went to Nashville 4d baby to get the genders of our babies. I honestly could not even begin to guess what we were having. I haven't really had a whole lot of symptoms.. no morning sickness, no major cravings or mood swings, nothing totally out of the ordinary that would make me think one way or the other. Of course, Will has been saying 2 boys from the very beginning! I was thinking either 2 boys or one of each, because I heard girls make you very sick and have crazy symptoms, which I didn't have. So, the 4d ultrasound place was amazing!! They had a huge projector screen, couches, music.. the tech told us to close our eyes when she found the genders. Our 15 minute ultrasound ended up being an hour because the tech was having so much fun watching the babies!! Baby A (just like at our 14 week) was super active the whole time. She was stretching all the way out, flipping, kicking, smiling and waving! She was kicking baby B the whole time! Baby B was asleep at first, but after being kicked in the head a few times she finally woke up too. Once again, she had her arms behind her head and her legs crossed, just like at our 14 week ultrasound. It took forever to find the gender of baby B because she was crossing her legs, the cord was between them, and then she put her hand down there so the tech couldn't see!! When she finally figured out the gender, she was cracking up because baby A was kicking B in the butt while she was trying to get a picture. It was so much fun.. we will definitely go back when they are older and look more like little babies.. but it seems like we DEFINITELY have our hands full!! When we were finished, the tech gave us all of the pictures except the gender ones, and the front desk lady wrote the genders on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Now the wait was on for Saturday!!
Saturday was our gender reveal. Pretty much everyone picked "boys" or "one of each". We were trying to eat and wait for everyone while we were all staring at the gender boxes!! Everyone was SO excited to find out what was inside!! SO finally Will and I take the boxes outside. We literally could not be more shocked to see nothing but pink balloons!! NOBODY thought we were having 2 girls.. especially not us!! I'm pretty sure Will almost passed out for a minute. It looks like we will be having 2 little princesses (and daddy has to shine up his guns)
Little Zoey Jane and Piper Lin will be here before we know it!! They are going to be beautiful, smart, sweet, and SPOILED ROTTEN!!
Gender Reveal Video
On Thursday, we went to Nashville 4d baby to get the genders of our babies. I honestly could not even begin to guess what we were having. I haven't really had a whole lot of symptoms.. no morning sickness, no major cravings or mood swings, nothing totally out of the ordinary that would make me think one way or the other. Of course, Will has been saying 2 boys from the very beginning! I was thinking either 2 boys or one of each, because I heard girls make you very sick and have crazy symptoms, which I didn't have. So, the 4d ultrasound place was amazing!! They had a huge projector screen, couches, music.. the tech told us to close our eyes when she found the genders. Our 15 minute ultrasound ended up being an hour because the tech was having so much fun watching the babies!! Baby A (just like at our 14 week) was super active the whole time. She was stretching all the way out, flipping, kicking, smiling and waving! She was kicking baby B the whole time! Baby B was asleep at first, but after being kicked in the head a few times she finally woke up too. Once again, she had her arms behind her head and her legs crossed, just like at our 14 week ultrasound. It took forever to find the gender of baby B because she was crossing her legs, the cord was between them, and then she put her hand down there so the tech couldn't see!! When she finally figured out the gender, she was cracking up because baby A was kicking B in the butt while she was trying to get a picture. It was so much fun.. we will definitely go back when they are older and look more like little babies.. but it seems like we DEFINITELY have our hands full!! When we were finished, the tech gave us all of the pictures except the gender ones, and the front desk lady wrote the genders on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Now the wait was on for Saturday!!
Saturday was our gender reveal. Pretty much everyone picked "boys" or "one of each". We were trying to eat and wait for everyone while we were all staring at the gender boxes!! Everyone was SO excited to find out what was inside!! SO finally Will and I take the boxes outside. We literally could not be more shocked to see nothing but pink balloons!! NOBODY thought we were having 2 girls.. especially not us!! I'm pretty sure Will almost passed out for a minute. It looks like we will be having 2 little princesses (and daddy has to shine up his guns)
Little Zoey Jane and Piper Lin will be here before we know it!! They are going to be beautiful, smart, sweet, and SPOILED ROTTEN!!
Gender Reveal Video
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