Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Vacation and MORE hurdles!!

hey everyone!!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while.. just really haven't had much to blog about! Will and I have just been laying back since deciding to get the TAC surgery.  We both (well mostly Will talked me into it....) decided that we needed to just get away.  We have spent ALL of our money on fertility treatments, while ultimately led to heartache, since we have been married, so he finally said "we haven't had anything to look forward to or be excited about since we started fertility", and that really hit home for me.  so the next day I booked a cruise to the Bahamas.  I really did it just to please him, but I can not tell you how MUCH NEEDED this cruise was.  For the first time in forever we finallt had the chance to just let loose and enjoy each other, without the stress of appointments, medications, shots, pregnancy tests, disappointments, stress, heartache, etc. etc.  We had fun, we let loose, we hugged a dolphin!! It was amazing!!!

So then I get home, start summer school, and prepare for my TAC surgery.  Well, remember when I told you insurance would cover 80%?  Well.. that was a BIG. FAT. LIE. I get a voicemail 2 days ago saying "Hey Tifani, this is Gina (my Tac surgeon's assistant) and I am just calling to say your insurance denied your TAC, so.. give us a call...)  I am not exaggerating when I say my jaw literally hit the floor.  WHAT?!! I called them months ago with the surgery codes and they said that yes, they would cover the surgery, no problem.  Appparently now the "code" is "non specific" and they "can't cover it".. after many calls and confusion, it turns out that my insurance only covers the TAC surgery if I am already pregnant.  Well, the window to get a TAC in pregnancy is before 10 weeks.  Take into account most people probably won't get a positive test/ultrasound until 5-6 weeks, then have to plan a surgery with only 1 of 2 surgeons in the world who are experts in this procedure, and that equals a whole lot of stress and panic between a successful IVF and a TAC surgery.  Too much stress for me or my body to handle.  We all know my body and my luck, so I am going to go ahead and assume that I would either not make the time frame between a confirmation ultrasound-getting the surgery and be screwed, or I would just flat out stress out enough to cause a miscarriage.  Cue Panic Mode and giving up on the idea of EVER having a successful pregnancy.

By the grace of God and many friends who found it in their hearts to donate, I have my 20% (approx. $3000) saved for the 20% I anticipated to spend out of pocket.  My mom and dad said they would match me (seriously, can you think of better parents?  They have spent so much money to try to help me, and they just keep on giving without thinking twice about it) and my aunt said she would cover whatever we are lacking.  My surgeon does a flat rate fee of $7000 for those of us who have this backwards insurance that doesn't find this surgery as a necessity (blessed are they who have never lost a child and can pass judgement on those of us who need this extra help to carry a child to term) so it looks like we will be self paying for my TAC.  It is a huge financial stress on us all.. but NOT having the surgery isn't an option.  I just can not risk losing another baby due to not getting a surgery that will allow me to carry to term and deliver a healthy baby, just because insurance says I "don't need it". 

So, surgery is still a go!  It hasn't been an easy journey, but for those of you who have been reading for a while, has any of this been an easy journey for us?? We will not be beaten!!! We will continue to fight and we WILL bring a healthy baby into this world, come Hell or high water!!!

Here are some pictures from our MUCH NEEDED vacation!! I am also attaching the link for our gofundme account.  This self pay mess is throwing a HUGE kink in our plan, and it is going to be a huge financial stress on us, as well as our whole family.  Like I said, NOT getting the surgery is not an option.. any dollar you donate is a dollar that does not come out of our or our families already depleted savings.. thanks in advance!!! 

I love you all and thank you so much for keeping up with me and praying for my family!!
