The best thing about this month has been seeing their personalities develop.. and WOW are they different!! I always knew they acted like opposites, but they really showed how opposite they are during this month. Xander is HILARIOUS. I always say he has a frat boy personality. He thinks everything is funny and literally cracks up if you do pretty much anything. He makes silly noises all the time and is just so happy and funny. He keeps me laughing all the time!! And Londyn is, well, she's just a diva. She is super inquisitive and will spend several minutes studying something or watching me/her brother/one of her toys. And if she's not happy, the world knows it!! She has a habit of letting me know she wants to be the boss. One example: I feed both babies at the same time in feeding chairs, and she was fine with it last month, but this month she has decided that she wants to be held when she eats.. so when I try to give her the bottle in her feeding chair, she will swat it, spit it out, and laugh at me. She will continue to do this until Xander finishes eating so that I can pick her up, and she proceeds to drink the whole bottle. She will cry when I hold her and then as soon as I pass her to her daddy she will smile and laugh. Needless to say, I have my hands full with this little girl!
They had their 4 month appointment with the pediatrician yesterday and he said everything looks perfect for both of them! He told us we can go ahead and start trying solids with them, so I suppose that's our next adventure!! We are also working hard on learning to roll over and sit without support. Londyn will get her ears pierced at their 6 month appointment in March.
Overall, month 4 has been wonderful!! Babies are happy, healthy, fun, and growing more every day. I know I will blink and they'll be 5 months and I'll be blogging again!
Londyn studying the baby Einstein caterpillar
Their different personalities: inquisitive and goofy
Silly boy always laughing!!
Happy 4 months!!