Oh 2013.. you weren't much better than 2012. Still more disappointments-more negatives-denied grants.. still searching for our miracle. Just another year I won't be sad to see the end of.
The positive thing about 2013 was that I took time to heal myself and grow as a person. Though I still have the raw emotions and disappointments from our constant battle with infertility, this year I really focused on finding a way to deal with those emotions. I have realized that I can no longer let infertility control my life. I used to let it control how I felt about people with kids, who I could and could not handle hanging out with, who I got mad at because they unknowingly made a hurtful comment. It literally controlled every emotion I had. But in 2013 I decided to STOP doing treatment after treatment after treatment.. chasing something that came so easily for everyone else (which seriously ticked me off). I gave my body time to heal. Sometimes I would just stop everything and just sit, and let the emotions come. Sometimes I would cry uncontrollably. Sometimes I would scream or throw things against the wall. Sometimes I would just sit still in a trance. But whatever came out.. I just let it happen. And after letting myself do this a few times.. I realized that each time.. I felt it a little less. My breakdowns were getting shorter and shorter.. until finally I would sit down and realize I was no longer mad at someone for getting pregnant. I was no longer angry about all of the unsuccessful treatments I went through. I realized that all I had to do to make this horrible jealous, bitter, raging emotions go away... was to face them head on. And that's what I did. And now I am healed.
Will my husband and I become parents in 2014? I don't know. Will we try? sure. Will I have a complete mental breakdown and stop talking to everyone with kids and hate the entire world for being able to get pregnant if a treatment fails? No. Because infertility will not define me. It will not control my life. So bring on 2014. Baby or no baby!!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
If infertility was a person
So, Will and I just got the results of our last attempt at getting a grant for IVF.. we were not chosen for any of the grants. Lovely. So, I guess we will be doing a fully medicated IUI after a few more months of accupuncture. But today I am not really writing about procedures and logistics and medical jargon. Today, I just want to talk about how I am feeling.
I read in one of my many infertility books that you should give your infertility battle a name. Make it like an actual person. That way, your spouse and you are not mad at each other or blaming each other, but are blaming the actual issue instead. This was by far the best advice I have ever read. Sometimes I have to stop and realize that it is not MY fault, WILLS fault, THE DOCTORS fault, or anyone's fault that this is happening to us. It is infertility's fault. Since I have had this epiphany, I sometimes hear songs on the radio or that I used to listen to all the time and realize that this is exactly how I feel about infertility. I have always felt that songs express feelings so much better than words do, so maybe writing this will help me explain my situation.
The newest one I have heard is Colbie Caillat's song "hold on" some of the lyrics are so true of my struggles:
I'm feeling further, feeling further from you every day
You're in the stars, in the stars, yeah, you're worlds away
I'm moving on, moving on, then I hear you say
Hold on, hold on
This is so true of my journey. Right now, Will and I are taking a break for the year. Each day that passes, I feel like I am getting further away from my dream of being a parent with Will. I find myself thinking less and less about which treatment we will do next, how much money we need to save, when I can go back. Sometimes I will go days without thinking about it at all. And then BAM.. someone gets pregnant or has a baby.. and there is that pain and longing again, just as raw as if it had never left. Like it is saying hold on, hold on...
I'm losing love, losing you, losing everything
Losing faith in the world where I wanna be
So I don't care if the one thing that's killing me
Is so wrong, so wrong
I should walk away...
Will and I went through so much, I lost friends and family, lost my battle with fertility, lost my hopes and dreams, lost a little bit of faith in God. I know it is wrong to keep trying and trying and trying these stupid treatments, I know I should just walk away from it all and save the money for a vacation to Hawaii or something. But I just can't. It's still there.. telling me not to give up.
The Colbie song is great and all. But this song I have listened to a thousand times since I gave my infertility a name. The song "Rest in Pieces" by Saliva. An oldie but a goodie, and definitely explains my struggles perfectly.
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine
omg.. so true!! I tell myself, with each failed procedure.. it doesn't hurt as bad this time, I am used to the pain, it's ok. But it's never true. When I let myself feel it, the pain is just as raw and just as intense as ever before. Taking a break from treatments does not help. Again, as soon as someone gets pregnant or has a baby or has a successful treatment, the pain shoots down my spine again. It really does suck!!
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled before you destroyed my life
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
OK, I know this is a stretch. But really.. I remember being SO excited to go to appointments. So ready for the next step and the next step.. so very hopeful and naive of all that was to come. This was all before infertility destroyed my life. Before all of the negatives. Before we ran out of money. Before I lost almost everyone in my life. I wish I could be that happy and hopeful again. And I often ask God that if I can't get pregnant, never will have kids, why can't he just make this go away?! Make the desire go away, make the jealousy and bitterness stop.. just let me rest in pieces. If it is not his will for me to have kids.. just make the pain go away..
So that's it. I love music, I feel like it can explain so much and make you feel things that words just can't. Listening to these two songs makes me feel like I am not crazy for having all of these feelings.. and maybe this will help people who have never been in this situation understand it just a little bit better. Thanks for reading :-) Love you all!
Rest in Pieces Video Hold On video
I read in one of my many infertility books that you should give your infertility battle a name. Make it like an actual person. That way, your spouse and you are not mad at each other or blaming each other, but are blaming the actual issue instead. This was by far the best advice I have ever read. Sometimes I have to stop and realize that it is not MY fault, WILLS fault, THE DOCTORS fault, or anyone's fault that this is happening to us. It is infertility's fault. Since I have had this epiphany, I sometimes hear songs on the radio or that I used to listen to all the time and realize that this is exactly how I feel about infertility. I have always felt that songs express feelings so much better than words do, so maybe writing this will help me explain my situation.
The newest one I have heard is Colbie Caillat's song "hold on" some of the lyrics are so true of my struggles:
I'm feeling further, feeling further from you every day
You're in the stars, in the stars, yeah, you're worlds away
I'm moving on, moving on, then I hear you say
Hold on, hold on
This is so true of my journey. Right now, Will and I are taking a break for the year. Each day that passes, I feel like I am getting further away from my dream of being a parent with Will. I find myself thinking less and less about which treatment we will do next, how much money we need to save, when I can go back. Sometimes I will go days without thinking about it at all. And then BAM.. someone gets pregnant or has a baby.. and there is that pain and longing again, just as raw as if it had never left. Like it is saying hold on, hold on...
I'm losing love, losing you, losing everything
Losing faith in the world where I wanna be
So I don't care if the one thing that's killing me
Is so wrong, so wrong
I should walk away...
Will and I went through so much, I lost friends and family, lost my battle with fertility, lost my hopes and dreams, lost a little bit of faith in God. I know it is wrong to keep trying and trying and trying these stupid treatments, I know I should just walk away from it all and save the money for a vacation to Hawaii or something. But I just can't. It's still there.. telling me not to give up.
The Colbie song is great and all. But this song I have listened to a thousand times since I gave my infertility a name. The song "Rest in Pieces" by Saliva. An oldie but a goodie, and definitely explains my struggles perfectly.
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine
omg.. so true!! I tell myself, with each failed procedure.. it doesn't hurt as bad this time, I am used to the pain, it's ok. But it's never true. When I let myself feel it, the pain is just as raw and just as intense as ever before. Taking a break from treatments does not help. Again, as soon as someone gets pregnant or has a baby or has a successful treatment, the pain shoots down my spine again. It really does suck!!
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled before you destroyed my life
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
OK, I know this is a stretch. But really.. I remember being SO excited to go to appointments. So ready for the next step and the next step.. so very hopeful and naive of all that was to come. This was all before infertility destroyed my life. Before all of the negatives. Before we ran out of money. Before I lost almost everyone in my life. I wish I could be that happy and hopeful again. And I often ask God that if I can't get pregnant, never will have kids, why can't he just make this go away?! Make the desire go away, make the jealousy and bitterness stop.. just let me rest in pieces. If it is not his will for me to have kids.. just make the pain go away..
So that's it. I love music, I feel like it can explain so much and make you feel things that words just can't. Listening to these two songs makes me feel like I am not crazy for having all of these feelings.. and maybe this will help people who have never been in this situation understand it just a little bit better. Thanks for reading :-) Love you all!
Rest in Pieces Video Hold On video
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