Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye (and good riddance) 2013

Oh 2013.. you weren't much better than 2012.  Still more disappointments-more negatives-denied grants.. still searching for our miracle.  Just another year I won't be sad to see the end of.

The positive thing about 2013 was that  I took time to heal myself and grow as a person.  Though I still have the raw emotions and disappointments from our constant battle with infertility, this year I really focused on finding a way to deal with those emotions.  I have realized that I can no longer let infertility control my life.  I used to let it control how I felt about people with kids, who I could and could not handle hanging out with, who I got mad at because they unknowingly made a hurtful comment.  It literally controlled every emotion I had.  But in 2013 I decided to STOP doing treatment after treatment after treatment.. chasing something that came so easily for everyone else (which seriously ticked me off).  I gave my body time to heal.  Sometimes I would just stop everything and just sit, and let the emotions come.  Sometimes I would cry uncontrollably.  Sometimes I would scream or throw things against the wall.  Sometimes I would just sit still in a trance.  But whatever came out.. I just let it happen.  And after letting myself do this a few times.. I realized that each time.. I felt it a little less.  My breakdowns were getting shorter and shorter.. until finally I would sit down and realize I was no longer mad at someone for getting pregnant.  I was no longer angry about all of the unsuccessful treatments I went through.  I realized that all I had to do to make this horrible jealous, bitter, raging emotions go away... was to face them head on.  And that's what I did.  And now I am healed.

Will my husband and I become parents in 2014?  I don't know.  Will we try? sure. Will I have a complete mental breakdown and stop talking to everyone with kids and hate the entire world for being able to get pregnant if a treatment fails? No.  Because infertility will not define me.  It will not control my life.  So bring on 2014.  Baby or no baby!!

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