Friday, February 5, 2016

Suppression Check

Hi everyone!
Boy, time sure does fly when you are doing IVF while working.  I have only done IVF when I am out of school for summer, so time seemed to draaaaag on.  But I had my suppression check on Tuesday, and here it is, Friday evening, and I am like AH! I forgot to blog!! SO, sorry friends!!

We went in for our suppression check on Tuesday to make sure my little ovaries are nice and settled, so we can SHOVE THEM FULL OF HORMONES AND GROW SO MANY EGGS THAT THEY ARE JUST ABOUT TO EXPLODE!!!! so.. we did our normal bloodwork and then went in for the ultrasound.  I was so excited because this was the FIRST time I would actually get to see my TAC!! I told the ultrasound tech about it and she said I was only the second patient EVER in the history of Nashville Fertility Center to have a TAC, so she was pretty excited to see it as well.  It basically just looked like a bright white line.  All I could think was, Praise God, that bright white line is going to stop me from ever losing another baby.  That bright white line is going to bring a baby into this world. That bright white line healed my broken body.  That bright white line could have saved my girls if circumstances were different.  That bright white line is going to save their brother or sister.  Needless to say I almost lost it right there on the table.  Of course the hormones didn't help any!! After seeing the TAC, the tech said I had lots of little micro follicles and everything looked great!

After the ultrasound, we met with our nurse, Tina.  Tina was with us for our cycle with the girls, and she was with us for our failed FET cycle, so we are pretty close to her.  She went over the medication (a mere formality, Lord knows I could take all this medicine with my eyes closed) and then she tentatively asked me how many embryos we were planning to transfer this time.  Honestly, I feel like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Yes, I know my TAC can hold twins, but there are soo many other complications with twin pregnancies, AND I would have so many awful flashbacks, I would basically be terrified the entire  time.  I would not enjoy my pregnancy at all.  I know I would be so much more relaxed if we only transfer one.  But, we did just transfer one for our frozen transfer, and that was an epic fail.  It didn't even take.  So, There are pros and serious cons to both.  I told her I didn't know what to do.  So, she said if we have a perfect embryo, grade A, already hatching, extremely high probability of taking, then we would do one.  Anything less than perfect, we would transfer 2.  I feel comfortable with that.  So, we won't know how many embryos we will transfer until the actual transfer day!

After that difficult discussion, I had to have another trial embryo transfer, which sucked, as usual.  It feels like the worst period cramps you could ever have.  They basically insert a catheter and essentially "draw a map" of where they had to go left or right to navigate the catheter from the cervix into the uterus, so there is no guess work when they try to get in there with an actual embryo.  Everyone was nervous and did not know what to expect with the TAC in place.  Luckily, the catheter went in easily and with no problems! yay!

We got our new voicemail box (repeat customers: mailbox #5), then we went to go file our taxes and have a nice lunch.  When I finally called my mailbox, Tina said my E2 level was 32, so I am officially suppressed.  I start the big guns (Gonal-F and Menopur) tomorrow evening, then have ultrasounds Tuesday, Friday, and Monday.  Hopefully on Monday we will have an egg retrieval date!

I did not get a picture of my TAC, but I found someone else's picture of what mine looked like (obviously, mine is minus the baby... for now!!).  I love my bright white line!!!

And in honor of starting 3 more injections tomorrow...

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