Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Egg Retrieval

Today was our egg retrieval! We had to be there at 8:15.  The nurse had me change into a hospital gown and sign some consent forms.  It was pretty cool because her and Will went to school together, and she helped with his surgery back in November.  The anisthesiologist came in and put the IV in my hand and said I was "the second contestant", meaning there was one egg retrieval before mine.  So Will and I hung out in the waiting room for a few minutes.  I had to get up and empty my bladder, then the anisthesiologist came back in and gave me something to "make me drowsy".  As soon as he put it in, it was like everything was sloooowww motion.  Next thing I know, I am waking up.  I thought I had dozed off waiting to be taken back, but they had finished the retrieval! We had to sit there for a few more minutes until the embryologist came in.  She said they were able to get 20 eggs, some were not mature yet, but for the most part that is quite a haul!  She said they are going to thaw Will's sperm and start on ICSI (they inject the sperm into the egg) and call us tomorrow to tell us how many fertilized!  Right now I am feeling a lot of cramping, like really bad period cramps.  I just am so anxious to hear results tomorrow!!!

Here are some before and after surgery pics!

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