Monday, July 9, 2012

Fourth (and final!) ultrasound

We went in today for yet another ultrasound.  We both got really nervous because the ultrasound tech said she would probably see us again tomorrow since I still had some follicles that were "not quite there".  We were NOT looking forward to a FIFTH ultrasound!!!

After we left, we had to wait for a voicemail to see if we had to go in again or not.  Usually, we get our voicemail between 2-2:30.  Well, at 4pm, still no voicemail!  Since NFC closes at 4:30, I went ahead and called.  Turns out, my nurse went on maternity leave!  So they had to figure out who my new nurse was going to be!  Crazy day..

THEN, a nurse finally comes on the phone and says the magic words... I am ready for my trigger shot!!  I was so thrilled that I didn't have to wait any longer that I barely heard the rest of her sentence.  When I could finally focus again, she was saying that tomorrow we will go in for just bloodwork, then talk to an IVF nurse about what to expect during retrieval.  Our retrieval is scheduled for Wednesday at 9:15am, and our transfer is scheduled for the 16th at 10:30am.  EXCITING!!!!!!

Here is a picture of my dearest husband, giving me the look he was practicing if the nurse said we had to go in for ultrasound #5.. (she should be lucky we didn't have to, right?!)

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