Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well, today was the day we have all been waiting for... TESA!! We went in to surgery at 7:30.  Will had to have a testicular biopsy because they couldn't find any sperm in the epidymis, and that is about as fun as it sounds!!  They were able to find some sperm in the testicular tissue.  They said they were moving but the sperm from testicular tissue is of lesser quality.  But our biggest concerns were there being none there or them being all dead, neither of which was the case, so.. AWESOME!! The doctor said he is going to try to freeze 4 viles.  I am so happy to have this procedure out of the way!

Well, now on to the bad news.  Unfortunately, Will and I were unable to get the loan we need to continue.  This was a huge blow to us that I am still getting over.  I have come to realize that God has a plan, and I think He just knew we could not afford the payments on the loan and prevented me from going into some serious debt.  That being said, we have devised a plan to save for 9 months to try to eliminate a loan altogether.  We would love to save the money sooner, but the fundraisers have not been bringing in much money.  I am really sad that we had to stop our cycle, but we have the sperm now and I just have to save save save so we can hopefully pick back up real soon.  Until then, here is a picture of my poor pitiful Will after his surgery :(