Saturday, February 10, 2018

Month 5!

Goodness, time is flying by! Not a ton has happened in the twins' 5th month of life.. but there have been several milestones achieved that have been equal parts amazing and hilarious! 

Londyn is now consistenly rolling tummy-to-back, and she loves doing it because we make such a huge deal of cheering and celebrating.  She doesn't get much tummy time anymore because as soon as we put her on her tummy, she's rolling and looking at us expectantly.. ready for us to celebrate!  She has also found her voice, and found it in a BIG way.  She enjoys screaming in a high pitched, ear piercing, glass shattering volume and then laughing hysterically at our faces.  Her new favorite thing is to be thrown in the air, especially by daddy.  She makes the funniest shocked face.  Her favorite family members are daddy (DUH) and her Aunt Crystal. 

Xander isn't rolling yet, but he really enjoys sitting up and can do so independently for about 30 seconds.  We think he is teething because he CONSTANTLY has his hands in his mouth.  He will literally put his entire hand in his mouth and gnaw on it.  He loves to laugh and smiles at pretty much anything anyone does.  He is just an all around, happy go lucky kind of kid.  He loves being thrown in the air like his sister, and he loves snuggling with mommy and having mommy carry him around everywhere (not an easy task when he is almost 20 pounds!).  His favorite family members are mommy and Papa.

The best part of this month is the fact that they are now sleeping a full 12 hours at night!  They go to bed at 7pm and sleep all the way until 7am.  It is so nice to put them to bed, watch some tv, drink some wine, go to bed whenever I'm tired, and wake up refreshed and ready for another great day with my babies!  Their schedule is great.  I love that I can spend all of their awake time fully focused on them.  All of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, bills, dishes, etc. can be done at nap times.  Awake times are for playing, singing, reading, snuggling, going for walks, practicing skills, etc.  Whenever they are awake, they get my full attention, and we are all happy!! I wish people who are so opposed to the "cry it out" method (Yes I see your passive aggressive posts!!) could see the result of the method.  The product of a weeks worth of so much crying. I am proud to say that YES, my babies cried it out.. but I can gaurantee you that they cry WAY less now than babies who never cried it out.  My babies never cry now, unless they are hurt.  I gaurantee you that my babies never see me frustrated with them, or crying from sheer exhaustion.  I'm not saying it's for everyone.  I just really wish people would stop with the videos about how "crying it out changes an infants brain" (UNTRUE and completed unsupported by research.) and how "babies who cry for extended periods of time tend to be more aggressive" (Your baby cries more than mine do...... mine never cry..)  Sorry, going on kind of a rant here, but I'll just stop and say, I'm so glad I made the decision to sleep train my babies and that we are a happy, well rested family!

I can't even fathom that next month my babies will be 1/2 of a year old!