Friday, March 16, 2018

6 months.. half a year old!!

My children have been alive for half a year.  CRAZY! Though the month of February was short, it was FULL of milestones, adventures, and laughter!

This month, we started solids.  They were already getting a cereal bottle before bed, so we moved on to fruit babyfood, and then veggie babyfood.  We learned that neither baby is a picky eater.  They have yet to come across a food that they gag on, spit up, or refuse to eat (even pureed pees.. which I even refused to try 😝) Xander's favorite is pears and least favorite is bananas.  Londyn's favorite is bananas (opposites as always!!) and least favorite is green beans (I feel you girl). This month we are going to start on some table food and let them try picking up/eating foods like eggs, bananas, and avocados.  Should be fun, especially for piglet when they drop it on the floor!

Another thing I started this month is adding some learning into our schedule.  Their awake time is up to about an hour and 45/50 minutes now, so we have time for more activities before nap times!  Obviously I know they aren't going to start writing their names or reciting their ABC's yet.. but I think it's important to expose them to a learning environment.  We have started doing a bible study every morning when they wake up.. I downloaded a fun bible app for kids and we do a little story, sing a few songs, and say a prayer for the day.  They love listening to the story and LOVE the songs, especially "Jesus loves me"! After our morning nap, we do sign language.  I purchased a really cool program that does songs/videos for signs.  They are currently learning signs for foods, animals, family members, daily routines (bath, read, brush teeth, bath, bed, etc.) It's important for me to be able to communicate with them before they are able to use words, but it's also important for me to develop them into good humans.  My teacher brain thinks of students who are deaf in elementary school and have trouble communicating with peers.. I would love for my kids to be able to make that student comfortable and communicate with them and teach others to be accepting as well.  That's my main goal for them.  Not to be on the honor roll or be the star quarterback or win the most awards at awards day.... I just want them to be good people.

The cutest thing that happened this month is how much they have started interacting with each other.  Lately, I will lay them down on my bed beside each other and let them do their thing.  Londyn usually starts the conversation by looking at Xander, getting a huge smile, and start making noises/talking to him.  Xander is usually in his own little world for a while and then when he realizes she is talking to him he will start smiling/laughing at her.  He also likes to roll to his side towards her and grab her face, which she finds highly offensive 😒.  It's the funniest/cutest thing to watch and I am so excited to watch their relationship grow as they interact more and more.

A few other things that have happened this month are, Londyn got her ears pierced! She took it like a champ and lets me clean/rotate them every day without crying at all!  She is such a big girl, and looks soo pretty with her new bling! They have also been left with a babysitter for the first time.  Since Xander left the NICU, the only people who have had both babies alone have been me.. and occasionally Will so I could quickly run out and do something alone.  But this month we have had some appointments we had to attend together and without kids, so we left them with family members.  We were nervous (Will more than me) but they did great!! So hopefully we can even (dare I say) go on a date soon?!?

So this month has been soooo busy and fun!! I can't believe we are half way to ONE YEAR OLD!!