Thursday, September 13, 2018

12 months- We made it!!

Somehow I blinked and I now have 1 year olds that are into everything, make me laugh, cuss, and cry all in the same breath, are the best form of cardio and strength training, and light my world in ways I never knew possible.

Xander is so close to walking!  He stands unassisted for at least 5 minutes, but when he wants to move, he will rock back and forth and then bail to his knees and crawl.  Londyn doesn't stand on her own yet but she will pull up and walk with a push toy.  Xander is starting to babble more and will say "mama" and "dada" but his favorite sound is "GA". He will say that sound in every situation in multiple different volumes and ways.  I'm pretty sure in his brain it means at least 100 things 😅 Londyn, on the other hand, is a chatter box!! She says so many things.. "mama, dada, mimi, thank you, oh no, no no, dog, wiggle wiggle wiggle, num, hello, up.." etc.  She talks all the time. 

The biggest change happening right now is weaning from the bottle.  We are down from 4 bottles a day to just 2: 1 as soon as they wake up and 1 right before bed.  During the day they get 3 meals and 2 snacks, will sippy cups of water or milk.  They still get pretty hungry in the middle of the day, but I know once they realize they aren't getting bottles they will eat more during meal time to fill themselves up.  Then we will get rid of the last 2 bottles and be bottle free hopefully before the end of October!  Definitely not going to miss double fisting bottles 4 times a day 😝

Their birthday party was so much fun!! The theme was Wiggles (of course) and all of their family and friends came to show their love.  The twins devoured their smash cakes!! They got fun toys, cute clothes, and yummy snacks.  They were super well behaved and everyone had a great time.

So there it is folks.. one post for every month they've been alive.  I can't believe we are here already.  I probably won't post as much now as I'll be chasing toddlers all the time.. but I will definitely try to post important updates and milestones.  I'm really excited about the upcoming holiday season!  I know they will have so much fun now that they're older and can participate.  I'll definitely be posting about that 😍

For those of you that still keep up with this blog, I want to say thank you for your continued support.  This blog started as an informational thing about an IVF treatment, turned into my safe place to vent and get my thoughts down as I struggled with my war with infertility, saw me at my lowest point after losing Zoey and Piper, to my journey with a new team of doctors who gave me the joy of conceiving, carrying, and delivering the 2 biggest miracles of my life, and now a place to put the memories of watching them grow.  Some of you have been here from the beginning, some of you hopped on in the middle, some of you binge read.  All of you have laughed with me, cried with me, felt pity and joy and rage and excitement on my behalf.  Some of you are close to me in real life, some of you I've never met.  All of you have a piece of my heart.  I thank you for being a part of this with me.  Love you all, from the bottom of my heart!

Here are some pictures from our Wiggly Party!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so very happy for you all! Love the pics, looks like it was a fun party! Great decorations and everything! Way to go Tifani and Will (and babies)!
